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"This Is The Season Where We Are Taking Back Our Pearls"

Welcome to Take Back; a resource and community for women who desire to walk int heir true identity. So often we give away or are robbed of pieces of our identity, however, this is the season where we are Taking Back Our Pearls!


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My Story

I believe that we are all given a story; a story that can empower women to know that they are not alone. A story that can encourage women to never be ashamed of their experiences
 or their past. A story that we can make a decision to share. 

As someone who battled with suicide, depression, and abuse; I never used to think of myself as a role model.  However, I have learned to take back my purpose and my desire to help women walk in the best version of themselves and to push them to purpose.

I graduated from college in seven years, was married later than many of my friends, started a career later than many of the women around me, and bought a home years after being married. I used to compare myself so much to others that I forget the identity that God gave me. Sometimes this is us, so I encourage you to join me on this journey of Taking Back everything that you have given away or that other people have tried to steal. 

You are worth it!

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  • A journey for women who desire to Take Back Their Pearls!

    50 min

    80 US dollars
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